Coronavirus will go far away, hope you health!


During this priod of time, wish all the best to you and everything are going well in your side.

The unexpected corona virus outbreak in Hubei China at the end of Chinease New Year holiday. Our Government are taking the most comprehensive and rigorous measures to containing the spreading of the virus.

Good news is Ultratech colleagues are fine and in good health.  To minimize the disturbance to our customer services, office staffs are working in home now. For work-shop, most of the team mates are standby and we have have applied the restoration application to the governemnt. Once getting the approval signal from the government, we can pick up the work immediately.
Base on existing information and preparation, we have opportunity to re-open on  Feb 17, 2020. Anyway, we will inform you immeidately  once we got any update from the govenrment.

For your information, we have prepared enough prevention materials to restart the production!

About the project lead time disturbance due to the corona virus containment measures,  we will take internal measure to  minimize the disturbances and update the project schedule for you when we back to office.

Thank you for understanding and consideration!



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